Gina – From Shy to Smiley
Not all pets come to PHS/SPCA ready to immediately become part of a new family. Some pets, like Gina, need extra behavior modification and medical care before they can become available for adoption.
Not all pets come to PHS/SPCA ready to immediately become part of a new family. Some pets, like Gina, need extra behavior modification and medical care before they can become available for adoption.
Animals need a good diet and “hair care” routine, just like humans do. When Panda was surrendered to PHS/SPCA, he had scabbing all over his body due to a food allergy, skin infection, and skin mites, as well as matted fur from lack of proper grooming. PHS/SPCA staff gave Panda proper grooming and medical care for his fur and skin. It made all the difference in the world for his health.
We recommend avoiding the use of inhumane traps, and for a good reason: we don’t want animals to suffer. So, when tiny kitten, Treya, was caught in one it was not pretty, but her will to live is amazing.