Treya’s front right paw was crushed and became deformed by the trap, causing her an incredible amount of pain. In addition to her paw injury, her overall condition was poor. She was very thin, dehydrated, and anemic due to blood loss.
Thanks to our supportive community, we are happy to be resource for animals like Treya. Our veterinary staff immediately saw to Treya’s care, starting with pain medications, antibiotics, and food. When staff gave her wet food, she was very eager to eat it (always a good sign).

Awaiting Surgery
Treya was placed in our veterinary kennels for observation and monitoring until she became strong enough to survive surgery. Treya was given food, water, care, and most importantly, safety and affection. Initially, Treya would hiss at staff, likely due to pain and discomfort. As her condition improved, she stopped hissing and began to lean in for pets. While it was clear that Treya’s arm would need to be amputated, it was equally clear that she still had love to give.

Due to the location and severity of Treya’s injury, our Veterinary staff chose to perform a whole leg amputation. This is often the safest, preferred methodology because most of the incision is through connective tissue and a minimal amount of muscle, thereby decreasing pain and further discomfort. This leads to a quicker recovery, especially for an active kitten like Treya.
“Dogs and cats typically adjust very quickly to the missing limb, especially if it was already quite injured. To the animal, it is often a huge relief to no longer be in discomfort and pain.” ~Dr. Gurdus, Staff Veterinarian

Receiving comfort from a staff member after surgery
After Treya’s surgery she spent 48 days in foster care to continue healing and for extra socialization. Her incisions healed quickly…and she quickly became a favorite of her foster family. Even on three legs, Treya was a cat who loved to play, loved pets, and loved knowing that she was going to be cared for.

Healing in foster care
It didn’t take long for Treya to find her forever family. She was adopted on the first day she was available! Treya now has a big kitty brother who is also a PHS/SPCA alumni. They get along great and love spending time with each other. Treya’s family tells us, “She is a super happy cat. She gets around great on three legs and loves to hang out on her cat tree.”

Treya in her cat tree
Treya spent 71 days receiving care through our Hope Program, which allowed her to get the surgery she needed and time to recover in our foster care program.