Staff Newspaper Columns

Ken White’s Column

Holiday Wish

’Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house All the creatures were stirring, including the mouse And the dogs, the bunnies, the turtles and cats Awaiting the Big Guy (you know: white beard and a sack) They nibbled the cookies, set out with great care...

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Holiday Pie

I just knew it! Last week’s column focused on how many of us include our wonderful pets on our holiday shopping list. That earned me a few nice comments and one not so much. My crime, significant enough to merit a rather hateful anonymous voicemail, is that I did not...

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Holiday Spending

According to the pet industry trade group, the American Pet Products Association, last year we spent a total of $69.51 billion on the dogs, cats, parakeets, guppies, rabbits, iguanas and other companion animals with whom we share our homes. That’s an all-in number,...

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Animals Grieve

The CNN report back a few months ago said it well: “It was a journey of love, driven by a mother’s loss, stretching across a thousand miles of ocean as the world watched and wondered. An apparently grieving female orca whale who swam with the body of her dead calf for...

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News from the Front Lines

A few weeks back I introduced readers to Lola, the newest addition to my family. So news from the front lines of life with puppy, here’s the first of what I imagine will be an occasional series of updates. As someone who prefers when friends have swimming pools, small...

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Giving the Bird

What we eat is based on many factors. Economics. Availability. Health. Culture. Personal taste. Ethics. Those factors lead to lots of labels. Omnivore. Carnivore. Vegetarian. Pescatarian (vegetarian diet plus fish and seafood). Vegan. Fruitarian (yes, that’s a real...

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The Name Game

I recently spent a few days labeled uncaring and ill-informed because of a dog’s name. (I get yelled at for all sorts of things.) The name in question? Snickers. The critic asserted, rather forcefully, that the name would encourage children to poison dogs. Confused?...

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Inevitable. When you spend your day at an animal shelter, falling in love is inevitable. Frequently, in fact. As one result, I often live with more animals than most people would think reasonable. Also inevitable, everyone dies, and not living long enough is one of...

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Oh the horror!

Kids in costume on sugar highs ringing doorbells demanding candy: What could possibly go wrong? I don’t want to be a total buzzkill but Halloween is not the animals’ favorite day. Most pets thrive knowing the world is predictable; holidays, especially Halloween, shake...

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Alec Bald-Wing?

As you probably imagine, most animals come to us nameless. Most in fact come to us not only nameless but without any history at all other than what we can determine based on their physical and emotional health. However, when it comes to our animals, despite the fact...

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Farm Animal Confinement Initiative

I wrote about Prop 12, the Farm Animal Confinement Initiative, once it earned enough signatures to appear on the November ballot. With the election approaching, this merits a second visit. Proposed animal-related legislation always raises hackles, but this time it’s...

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We are such a cranky species! Last week’s column about bats (October is Bat Appreciation Month) led to an anonymous voicemail message complaining that I had ignored the topic of rabies. Really? Do you send nasty-grams to Wine Spectator magazine when they don’t cover...

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We have seen Batmen from Adam West to Ben Affleck, and one common thread that oddly ties them all together is that none of the TV shows, films, the comic books or graphic novels has much to say about bats. How batty is that? Since today is October 1, the first day of...

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Worth Repeating

PHS/SPCA volunteer Lynette B. just sent me her two favorite animal-related quotes, and they are worth sharing. From Anatole France, "Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened." From St. Francis of Assisi, "Not to hurt our humble brethren...

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Drain the Swamp?

Terrifying, horrifying, paralyzing, frustrating, even entertaining: no matter which side of the political street you call home, this is a unique moment in our nation. However, while my beat is the animals rather than politics (and I do thank the heavens for that!),...

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Critter Corner

Barky dog

Dear Critter Corner: I have noticed that our pup has started to bark at other dogs while on leash, but is fine once they are able to get to the dog or if they are off leash.  My pup is a large breed and the barking looks scary to the other owners and dogs.  How do I...

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Adjusting to dog parks

Dear Critter Corner: My family and I just adopted a young, energetic dog who loves to play. We want to take him to the dog park but we have never seen him play with another dog. He tries to pull to other dogs on leash but has never met any. What do you recommend we...

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Teaching dog self-control

Dear Critter Corner: Our pup is very excited about life!  With that excitement comes a lot of jumping, pulling, and door dashing to name a few.  What can we do to help curb some of his enthusiasm and teach him some self-control? What a great question!  Teaching our...

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Collar suggestions for escape artists

Dear Critter Corner: My dog has a tendency to chase after things on walks and has slipped out of her collar on occasion. Are there other types of gear that are recommended for escape artists? There are a few pieces of gear that make it harder for dogs to escape. If...

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Docking and Cropping

Dear Critter Corner: I was recently surprised to learn that Doberman Pinscher dogs have naturally long and curly tails and floppy ears. Every one I had previously seen has a short bobtail and sharp, pointy ears. What is the point of cutting their tails and ears? The...

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Loose leash training

Dear Critter Corner: We are having a hard time teaching our pup to walk on a loose leash.  He gets walks daily and we have been working on loose leash training, but he still pulls a good portion of the walk which is no fun.  What are some tips you can give us?...

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Does your cat need a cat companion?

Dear Critter Corner: My family and I have a wonderful 3-year-old cat who we love dearly and is very attached to us. We need to start going back to the office and we are worried she will be bored all day. Would it be a good idea to get her another cat as a companion?...

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Helping dog adjust to new work schedule

Dear Critter Corner: I have been working from home and have not left my puppy alone for more than an hour or two since I got him last March.  I am worried about how he will be when I go back to work in a couple of months.  What can I do to make sure he will be okay?...

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