Staff Newspaper Columns

Ken White’s Column

Nervous Nellies

Last week’s topic, ailurophobia (fear of cats), led to several conversations which helped me realize what a bunch of nervous nellies we are. Seriously! I know 3 victims of lepidterophobia (fear of butterflies) although one may actually be the closely related...

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Fear of Cats

Not that there’s any need to embellish my neurotic bona fides but I was raised by an ailurophobic. Ailurophobia, the irrational and persistent fear of cats. While never diagnosed, my mom (not an animal person, period) demonstrated all the signs. Less common than fear...

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Puppy Love

My column my rules, here’s another update on life with Lola, the world’s most adorable puppy. Six months old and just topping 8 pounds, I admit that I am smitten. Because of our family’s schedules, I get to put Lola to bed at night and am also the one with whom she...

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Most people love Spring, now just two days away. The staff and volunteers of Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA have mixed feelings. Sure, warming weather and blooming flowers tickle our fancy too, but we also know the season’s real challenges. An “open door”...

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“It takes a village”, sadly now something of a cliché, simply means the combined resources, talents and commitment of a group is often necessary to make things better. Things as big and overwhelming as the biggest and most overwhelming challenge imaginable. Things as...

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Getting a Leg Up

Although I didn’t see it coming I suppose it was inevitable that last week’s rather dire column about the loss of trees would lead to questions about male dogs lifting their legs. Because, of course, they often lift their legs on trees. So while I find the segue more...

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Trees Please

I know many will disagree but a new report in “Urban Forestry and Urban Greening” is among the most frightening things I’ve come upon. The article documents research conducted by the United States Forest Service (USFS), reviewing and comparing aerial photographs of...

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World Without Bugs

I’ve used this bully pulpit before to inform (and rage) about the terrifying worldwide decline in insect population. A new report published in the journal Biological Conservation is catching more of the general media’s attention (and, hopefully, therefore more of the...

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The Amazon, Part 2

Last week focused on injured and orphaned wildlife in rehab centers visited along the Amazon. Today, it’s who we saw in the wild and OMG we saw so much! Perhaps I’ve seen such abundance of animals elsewhere, perhaps, but not the conspicuous diversity. Imagine sitting...

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Living With Animals: The Amazon, part 1

The Amazon River holds more water than the next 7 largest rivers of the world combined. It courses 4,000+ miles from headwaters high in the Andes north and then east across 4 countries to feed the Atlantic with enough water every single day to satisfy New York City’s...

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Cost of Caring for a Pet Part Two

To garble the bard, “To pet or not to pet?” Last week we considered the finances of pet care. Yes, economics should be considered when contemplating living with an animal and, sure, not everyone should be responsible for another life. That said, there is some pretty...

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Cost of Caring for a Pet

I had a call from some money magazine reporter (you know, best car under $25,000., pay off your mortgage in 15 years, etc.) asking about the cost of caring for a pet. Not a completely dumb question but pretty darn close, since the variables are so extreme and so...

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Life With Lola

Another update on life with the Official World’s Cutest Puppy (my column, my rules). Now topping 4 months and 5 pounds, little Lola exhibits every reason why people should and should not have puppies: they are adorable, exasperating, sweet, and a whole lot of work....

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Animal Holidays

While you might think the holidays now safely behind you, 2019 comes with many animal-themed celebrations (sayeth the Internet). Mark your calendars! January is Adopt a Bird Month and has days set aside to honor Eagles (January 10th), Dragons (16th), Penguin Awareness...

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New Year’s Resolutions

Let’s all get real with those New Year’s Resolutions, ok? I’m thinking a commitment to rigorous pre-dawn exercise plus giving up all carbs so I can drop 20 pounds since next summer’s swimsuit season is just around the corner after all. Plus sky-diving looks good. And...

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Critter Corner

Improving dog’s recall

Dear Critter Corner:  I have been having a hard time getting my pup to come to me when I call him.  Are there any tips you can offer to help me teach him come to me when I call him? There are several ways to set our pups up for a successful recall.  Here are a few...

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Dog constantly chewing on things

Dear Critter Corner: My partner and I just adopted a new puppy, and she has been great, with one exception. When we leave her alone, she constantly chews on things she’s not supposed to and has cost us a lot of money in damages. We love her, but we are frustrated with...

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Demanding dog

Dear Critter Corner: We have noticed that our pup is starting to become very demanding and barking at us to initiate a game of ball or to get our attention.  We have also noticed that he is starting to whine during our meal times and is more underfoot.  We are not...

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Teaching dog to respect the cat

Dear Critter Corner: I recently adopted a young dog and it chases the cat all over the house. I am worried for my cat’s safety. I love my new dog but do not want to return it. What can I do? When fighting against natural prey-drive, the obedience of the dog is the key...

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Helping dog build confidence

Dear Critter Corner: We just brought home our new pup and are realizing that he is extremely shy and seems to be afraid of most things.  How can we help to build his confidence and let him know the world is not a scary place? Congratulations on your new pup!  There...

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Helping cat adjust to changes

Dear Critter Corner: I recently had my house remodeled, during which my cat disappeared into the closet for several days. He just now is returning to the living room, where he used to spend most of his time, but appears stressed. What can I do to help him? Cats often...

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First time dog owners

Dear Critter Corner: We are first time dog owners and will be bringing home our pup in a couple weeks.  We want to set everyone up for success, what tips do you have for first time owners like us? Congratulations on your new pup!  This is an exciting time and it’s...

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Rabbits make great pets

Dear Critter Corner: My kids are old enough to look after their first pet and are very interested in adopting a bunny. I’ve always thought of rabbits as outside animals, do they make good house pets? There are over 300 breeds of rabbits, and many do well in an indoor...

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Excited dog jumping on guests

Dear Critter Corner: We have recently started to have more guests coming over to the house and our pup is jumping on them.  He is very well behaved with us and doesn’t jump when we come home, but is overly excited with the guest.  What can we do to teach our pup to...

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Litter Box Issues

Dear Critter Corner: My cat has started to go to the bathroom outside the litter box. He was great for the first few months we had him and loves the family, but lately has started to leave presents in unexpected places around the house. A month ago, we dog-sat for a...

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