Dear Critter Corner: My kids are old enough to look after their first pet and are very interested in adopting a bunny. I’ve always thought of rabbits as outside animals, do they make good house pets?

There are over 300 breeds of rabbits, and many do well in an indoor home environment. Their coats can range from short to long and be as soft to touch as velvet. Rabbits can be litterbox trained and form strong bonds with their companions. Once a bond is formed, rabbits can be gentle, affectionate, and cuddly. Surprisingly, they often get along with friendly cats! Rabbits are playful by nature, and enjoy running, jumping, chewing, and playing with toys.

While a rabbit may eventually be able to free-roam in a rabbit-proofed house, they should start in a small area and have a safe space of their own. This can be anything from a cage to an x-pen to a small room. Rabbits need to be constantly chewing to wear down their ever-growing teeth, and should always have access to hay, leafy greens, chew toys, and other objects they are allowed to gnaw.

It is important to remember that rabbits are prey animals and to be calm and gentle when interacting with them. Let the bunny come to you or coax it with something enticing, like food. If a rabbit doesn’t want to be held don’t force it; work on getting it comfortable with your hands in small increments. You’ll know you’re on the right track when the rabbit begins to nudge your hand for attention. A happy bun will often be seen doing “binkies,” or sudden leaps into the air, around the house. A happy rabbit may also flop over to show you its belly!

Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA is currently offering an adoption promotion and waiving all adoption fees on small animals, including rabbits.