Staff Newspaper Columns

Ken White’s Column

Pet-heads, part II

Catnip was last week’s topic, a plant with some interesting and at times entertaining effects on cats and even dogs. Today, we look at the impacts of marijuana on pets. While not entirely risk-free, both immediate serious problems and long-term complications are rare...

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Pet-heads, part I

Catnip gets Isabelle’s and Stinky Louise’s motors humming, while my third cat Puccini is distinctly not a stoner. What’s up with Meowy Wowie? Catnip is nonaddictive and completely harmless in cats, affecting about three-quarters of them (all types, by the way,...

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Big news: Shhhhh!

My recent column about the thriving marketplace for wild animals coincided with a friend sending an article from “Science” magazine ( Let me summarize. From the article: “The extent to...

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“I get that online”

An oft-heard comment, a sign of our times: “I got it online.” Those few words can signal a great deal (half what I expected to pay!), or a long-sought treasure (a 1940s Martin Ukelele!), or the decline of brick-and-mortar neighborhood shops, or something much darker...

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What’s the deal with hairballs?

For no reason other than the odd symmetry of it, let’s follow last week’s column (why dogs eat weird stuff) with this: Why cats vomit so often. I share my home with three cats and I’ve come to rely on Persian-style carpets for masking the telltale stains of hairballs...

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My sandworm beagle

Reader Michelle asks: “Why does my beagle eat socks?” Allow a digression. Remember Dune, Frank Herbert’s novel or the 1984 film adaptation? Remember “sandworms?” From Wikipedia: “cylindrical worm-like creatures with a fearsome array of crystalline teeth used primarily...

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Make that cat an indoor animal

Last week was all about why cats should be indoor animals only. This week it’s how to make that happen. This applies to bringing that outdoor cat indoors and also to shutting the door to cats used to coming and going. In self-help manual style, let’s introduce the...

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Both deserve better

A few weeks back, I wrote about the start of baby bird season. There I made a plea for keeping our pet cats as exclusively indoor animals. Clearly this raised some hackles since that gentle request resulted in a few most ungentle responses. Chill people, let’s pull...

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May Day! Skunk Spray!

Here’s a May Day! emergency you hope to avoid: skunk spray. As Bay Area natives, skunks are here to stay so encounters are not rare. Good news, skunks are reluctant to use their spray (accurate up to 3 feet, strong enough to send bears scurrying) and typically warn...

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A short, sweet life

The Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA saves thousands of animals every year. Perhaps not as obvious, we also touch many thousands of human lives. Two years ago, the Leiva family adopted Harvey, a little guy with a huge smile. One of a select group of humane...

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Pot-bellied pigs

Tell me about pot-bellied pigs, writes Richard of Belmont. I’ve cared for dozens of animal species, professionally and personally, including one pot-bellied pig who arrived at the shelter so young that several months of home care were essential. The size and shape of...

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A friend in high places

As readers might know, recently the U.S. Department of Agriculture removed thousands of animal-related public records from its website. This removal came without warning, without explanation, and without any opportunity for public input or Congressional process. For...

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Clearing up confusion

Some group obviously just sent mail because I’m getting questions again: “What’s the relationship between PHS/SPCA, the Humane Society of United States, American SPCA (ASPCA), and other national-sounding groups?” There is no formal, ongoing relationship. Some...

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Bee quite concerned

Apocalyptic, dystopian books and movies are all the rage, likely reflecting a general worry that has snuck into our collective brain. Zombie uprising? A megalomaniac who gets hands on a nuclear device? Sure, sure, all possible (really?) but the more likely scenario...

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A special announcement

This serves as the required Formal Notice of a new set of policies and procedures impacting the animals, and the people who care about the animals, of San Mateo County and its 20 incorporated cities. Effective 8:30 a.m., this coming Saturday, April 1, all pet animals...

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Critter Corner

Helping new puppy settle down

Dear Miss Behavin’: We have a new puppy and that is very active and doesn’t like to sit still or settle for very long. Is there something we can do to help our puppy learn to settle? This is a great question and one that is often over looked by many owners, the...

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Cat no longer using the litter box

Dear Miss Behavin’: I’ve had my cat JJ for about six years and he’s always been pretty perfect! Lately, he stopped using the litter box and now seems to enjoy using the dining room floor. What is the deal and how can we correct this? There are various reasons that a...

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Helping a shy cat adjust

Dear Miss Behavin’: I recently adopted a shy cat from the shelter. The past few days she’s been hiding under my bed, only coming out to use her litterbox and eat at night. What can I do to help her feel safe and secure in her new home? Firstly, thank you for adopting...

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Camping with dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: We decided to get out of town for a bit and are going camping in a couple weeks! We’ve never brought our dog, Ruby, with us before but we’re planning to bring her this time. Any tips for her first camping adventure? Ruby is a lucky dog and will no...

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Tips on re-directing an overly stimulated cat

Dear Miss Behavin’: I am having some trouble with my cat. Sometimes while I’m petting my cat she swipes at me or tries to bite me. A few times it has happened after only a few pets. What is going on with my cat and why can’t I pet her for very long? Like with humans,...

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Keeping dog cool during heat waves

Dear Miss Behavin’: Our dog Max did not appreciate this week’s heat wave! Neither of us wanted to go for a walk, but he was a bit antsy being cooped up all afternoon. What can I do to keep him happy and cool all summer? Max is definitely not alone! The summer heat...

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Adopting a kitten

Dear Miss Behavin’: I am planning on adopting a kitten next week! I know they can be high energy and a lot of work. What are some things I should know about having a kitten? Kittens bring entertainment, companionship, and a whole lot of fun. Set up a smaller room...

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Dog barking more than usual

Dear Miss Behavin’: I have noticed since we have been sheltered in place that my pup is barking a lot more than before.  I am not sure how to handle this and would like to address it before it becomes a habit. This is a great question and I am sure something that a...

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