Dear Miss Behavin’: We’ve long been thinking about getting a second dog as a playmate for our young shepherd mix, Donny, and figure now is as good a time as any! Any tips on making sure they are compatible?

Though it seems obvious, a good starting point is determining what types of dogs Donny seems to generally like. If he is a dog park regular, take note of what he does there. Is interacting with the other dogs or trotting around the perimeter, exploring independently? This would help you figure out if Donny truly wants a true playmate, or if he’d be happy with a mellower companion.

If Donny does love to play, pay close attention to what personality types he’s drawn to. Does he like to play “tag,” by chasing and being chased by other dogs? Or is he more the rough and tumble wrestling type? If you can pinpoint Donny’s playstyle, you can start looking at other dogs with the same playstyle. If he likes to meet other dogs but does not become playful, he may prefer a companion for lounging around the house and going for walks, in which case you would search for a social and easy going dog.

In the end, the best way to determine whether a new dog is going to be compatible with Donny is to introduce them before finalizing an adoption. Try and find an outdoor area that is neutral for both dogs. You can start with a walk or go straight for an on-leash greeting. If they hit it off, you may have found your match! If they don’t, you’ll be glad you did the introduction. If they are not getting along swimmingly in a neutral area like a park, they are not likely to get along better on Donny’s turf where he is more comfortable and all his prized possessions are kept. Keep in mind that the goal is to find a friend for Donny, so the priority should be his happiness and safety.