Teaching dog to not pick things up while out on walks

Dear Miss Behavin’: My puppy likes to pick up everything on our walks.  Is there a way to stop them from doing this, I am afraid they are going to get something poisonous?  This is a great question and one that many owners face.  You can teach your pup a cue such as...

Keeping dog cool during heat waves

Dear Miss Behavin’: Our dog Max did not appreciate this week’s heat wave! Neither of us wanted to go for a walk, but he was a bit antsy being cooped up all afternoon. What can I do to keep him happy and cool all summer? Max is definitely not alone! The summer heat...

Adopting a kitten

Dear Miss Behavin’: I am planning on adopting a kitten next week! I know they can be high energy and a lot of work. What are some things I should know about having a kitten? Kittens bring entertainment, companionship, and a whole lot of fun. Set up a smaller room...

Dog barking more than usual

Dear Miss Behavin’: I have noticed since we have been sheltered in place that my pup is barking a lot more than before.  I am not sure how to handle this and would like to address it before it becomes a habit. This is a great question and I am sure something that a...

Curbing exuberant dog’s enthusiasm

Dear Miss Behavin’: I’m looking forward to having my friends over again once the shelter-in-place orders are lifted and I’m sure my exuberant young dog, who has a history of rowdy greetings, is on the same boat. How can I curb her enthusiasm the next time we have...

Benefits of spaying cats

Dear Miss Behavin’: I recently adopted a stray cat. I heard that spaying a cat could change their personality. I also think it would be cute for her to have kittens so I can play with them. What should I do? Spaying and neutering your pets is one of the most important...