Staff Newspaper Columns

Ken White’s Column

Over rescue

Last week’s column extolled the virtues of my officemate Hermann’s tortoise. Over the weekend, a curious reader asked just how many different types of animals I’ve actually lived with — and, which is “The Best”? As to types: Lots. If this was an Academy Awards...

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What is best?

Last week’s column extolled the virtues of my officemate Hermann’s tortoise. Over the weekend, a curious reader asked just how many different types of animals I’ve actually lived with — and, which is “The Best”? As to types: Lots. If this was an Academy Awards...

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It’s turtles all the way

Astute reader Steven points out that my recent column was not the first time I referenced a tortoise sitting on my foot, and asked for more details. First, can I say how annoying it is to be discovered repeating myself? Getting beyond that ... My foot-straddling...

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Allergies to animals

Last week I gave unsolicited and likely unwanted marriage advice to Roberta whose husband’s animal allergies left their kid deprived if not psychologically abused. Since The Daily Journal’s editors demonstrated no common sense in printing that, what’s to stop me from...

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A house without fur

Roberta writes: “My husband is highly allergic to fur which means no pets. Bad as that is for me, a pet is all our sixth-grader wants. What to do?” First, are you sure he’s the right guy? Husbands come and go but an animal’s love is forever (OK, maybe I’d best leave...

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To hug or not?

As a purveyor of gently used pets (yes, I’ve been called that) it’s fair to say I am in the love business. With that credential, especially in light of tomorrow’s holiday, it’s time to take a public stance on a topic which makes me crazy. Here it is: There is a...

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Us and them

I was taught three attributes distinguish us from the “lesser” animals: language, tool use, agriculture. Anyone who occasionally looks at my ramblings knows I am a closet science nerd and drawn to studies (and there have been many) which show we are not the only...

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Pretty Heavy Kitty

Here we are, halfway between calorie-intense holiday season and chocolate-is-king Valentine’s Day, all struggling (probably without success) to meet our exercise and diet New Year’s resolution. What the heck, if we can’t control our own eating habits then should it...

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Internet? Maybe not?

Strangers often asked about Archie “what is he?” certain my handsome mutt was some rare breed. I once answered, completely straight-faced, “Lithuanian Water Collie” which earned the following response: “Oh! I read about them online!” But how reliable is the internet’s...

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I’ve never loved cold weather and frankly don’t get the appeal of racing down mountains on skinny fiberglass boards. But as other Bay Area residents load their cars with skis and sweaters for the drive to the year-round beautiful Sierra Nevada, many are also taking...

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New Year’s resolutions

So, you’re going to drop 20 pounds by Valentine’s Day, learn conversational Italian and take up ballroom dancing. Really, that’s your plan for the new year? Me? I’m thinking this is the year for New Year’s resolutions we can actually keep. Here’s a few I suggest, all...

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Critter Corner

Curbing exuberant dog’s enthusiasm

Dear Miss Behavin’: I’m looking forward to having my friends over again once the shelter-in-place orders are lifted and I’m sure my exuberant young dog, who has a history of rowdy greetings, is on the same boat. How can I curb her enthusiasm the next time we have...

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Benefits of spaying cats

Dear Miss Behavin’: I recently adopted a stray cat. I heard that spaying a cat could change their personality. I also think it would be cute for her to have kittens so I can play with them. What should I do? Spaying and neutering your pets is one of the most important...

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All about leashes & leads

Dear Miss Behavin’: We recently adopted a new pup and are looking to get some new equipment to help with loose leash walking.  There are so many different choices out there; I am not sure what would be best for our pup. Congratulations on your new addition!  I agree...

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Help! My cat is scratching up my furniture!

Dear Miss Behavin’: Help! My cat is scratching up my couch. She has a scratcher that she uses, but then she’ll go and scratch on the couch. What can I do to stop her from ruining my furniture? Cats naturally scratch for numerous reasons. They do it to remove the outer...

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Working from home with the dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog loves that we are working from home, but doesn’t realize that we are still working! He is demanding our attention and we feel bad locking him in his crate. What are some tips for keeping him occupied while we work? No doubt, Fido has had...

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Litterbox training your rabbit

Dear Miss Behavin’: I recently adopted a rabbit and she’s pooping everywhere! Can I litterbox train a rabbit? I’ve also noticed she sometimes eats her poop. Is that normal? It is possible to train a rabbit to use the litterbox! They usually choose a specific place to...

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Preparing puppy for vet visit

Dear Miss Behavin’: We have a new puppy and want to know the best way to prepare for an upcoming vet visit? Congratulations on your new family member!  This is a great question as vet visits can be very scary for most pups!  Things to think about are getting your pup...

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Dealing with an escape artist dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog, Jimmy, is constantly trying to escape the backyard, and he is often successful! Most of the time he digs under the fence. What can we do to keep him contained? A good place to start is thinking about why Jimmy keeps wanting to leave the...

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