PET OF THE WEEK: Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA has lots of furry friends, but did you know they have scaly and feathered friends, too? Like Mycroft, a petite 2-year-old ball python with a big heart. Never had a pet snake before? Don’t worry, the staff will answer questions. Ask for Mycroft, ID# A822879. Adoptable pets are available at Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA’s Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame. For information, call 650-340-7022 or visit www.phs-spca.org. (Thelma Andree / PHS and SPCA)
Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog Hank always rushes through doors when they open — car doors, the front door, garage door, you name it. He doesn’t go far once he gets through them, but I’m worried he’ll get hurt. How can I stop him?
Reply: We usually refer to this as “door darting,” and yes, in certain situations it can be quite dangerous.
Start by teaching Hank a “stay” or “wait” by asking him to “sit” and rewarding him for staying seated. If Hank can’t sit still for more than a few seconds, you’ll need to work on his impulse control before you can teach him not to rush out the door.
Teaching impulse control is simple. Ask Hank to sit with a treat in your hand, and lower the treat to give it to him. If he pops up to grab it, lift your hand up, withholding the treat, and ask him to sit. As he progresses, you should be able to hold a treat above his head for extended periods of time without him jumping up to take it.
Next you’ll teach the “stay” or “wait.” Cue Hank into a sit position, take a step back, and if he stays seated, reward him. If he stands up to follow you, ask him to sit again, make your step smaller and gradually increase your distance. Start using the “stay” cue once he gets the idea. Once you’re able to move around Hank while he remains seated, you’re on your way to working at the door.
Safety is always a priority when training at doorways. Use a door to the garage or a doorway inside the house to practice. Put Hank in a “sit” and slowly crack the door open. If he pops up to rush the door, close the door and put him back in the “sit” position. This is an exercise of repetition, so practice and patience are key. Continue opening the door slightly with Hank seated so he gains impulse control and understands that he should remain calm, and ideally seated, when doors open, until you give a release cue.