Dear Miss Behavin’: I’m trying to teach my 2-year-old Labrador to “stay” when I’m working on my car in the garage. She listens most of the time, but yesterday I told her to “stay” and she darted into the street to greet our neighbor’s dogs who were walking by. How can I stop her from doing that?
Reply: In many ways a 2-year-old dog is still very much a puppy. Depending on her previous training and history, you might not be able to rely on her staying put just yet. A reliable “stay” is very important not only for a dog’s safety, but also for managing impulse control and situations where your dog truly needs to stay put.
If she understands the basic fundamentals of a “stay” but isn’t reliable, continue practicing but set her up to succeed. By using a long line or tether when supervised outside, you can ensure her safety but still give her the opportunity to be successful in her “stay.” Keep in mind that this behavior can be one of the most challenging to train and maintain. Continued practice is the best recipe for success.
The beauty of a long line or extended lead is that she won’t actually be able to get away from you or cross the street if she breaks her “stay.” You could also keep her leash attached and let it drag on the ground giving you the option to step on it when asking her to “stay.”
The next time a dog walks by, give her the “stay” cue and step on the long line or lead. If she stays put, reward her. If she stands up or breaks her stay, she won’t be able to break away and you can place her back in the “stay” and try again.
If it continues to be a challenge, your best bet is to practice in an obedience class or with a professional trainer in a safe environment. Most dogs benefit greatly from continued obedience training into adulthood.