Staff Newspaper Columns

Ken White’s Column

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Critter Corner

Labs need to slow their roll when playing

Labs need to slow their roll when playing

Dear Miss Behavin’: Our two Labradors play really rough. They never fight, but they run around the house and yard like bandits, crashing into furniture, and seem to have no self-control. How do we slow them down? Reply: If play is their only form of exercise, you’ll...

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Taming that vicious jungle beast, your kitty

Taming that vicious jungle beast, your kitty

Dear Miss Behavin’: My cat, Logan, is indoor-only, but he seems to think he’s a vicious jungle beast. He hides, stalks my feet and will jump out and attack me. I’m walking on eggshells in my own house. How can I stop the madness? Reply: Cats are natural predators, and...

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To bark, or not to bark — that is the question

To bark, or not to bark — that is the question

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog plays great with other dogs off-leash, but barks like crazy on-leash whenever she sees a dog. I’m so confused, why would she have this dual personality? Reply: What you’re describing is very common. Since we can’t read their minds, no one...

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Why your cat wakes you for food at dawn

Dear Miss Behavin’: My cat, Nemo, is a very early riser, and starts demanding food at 4 a.m. every morning. I’m desperate for a full night’s sleep. Any advice? Reply: Cats are notorious for waking their owners in the morning. Cats are natural predators, and dawn is...

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Begging comes naturally for most dogs

Begging comes naturally for most dogs

Dear Miss Behavin’: Our English bulldog, Elvis, is a professional beggar — not just at dinner time, but any time we’re eating. We can’t even have popcorn while we watch a movie without him whimpering and drooling everywhere. My husband always gives in and shares what...

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Protect furniture without declawing cats

Dear Miss Behavin’: We bought new furniture last week and our two cats are already trying to scratch at it. We’ve tried scaring them off and squirting them with water bottles, but it’s not working. Is this why people get their cats declawed? Reply: Declawing your cats...

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How to get dog to cool his jets at the door

How to get dog to cool his jets at the door

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog gets super excited whenever we are about to go for a walk, starts jumping up and barking, then nearly pulls my arm off trying to dash out the door. I’m exhausted even before we get to the sidewalk. Reply: I’m glad to hear your dog loves his...

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Teaching a dog not to dart out the open door

Teaching a dog not to dart out the open door

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog Hank always rushes through doors when they open — car doors, the front door, garage door, you name it. He doesn’t go far once he gets through them, but I’m worried he’ll get hurt. How can I stop him? Reply: We usually refer to this as “door...

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Be careful about following advice found online

Dear Miss Behavin’: As a brand new dog owner I’m overwhelmed by the conflicting advice I read online. How can I separate fact from fiction? Reply: The internet can be an amazing source of information, but only if you delve in with a healthy amount of skepticism. Don’t...

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Keep your dog cool and hydrated in all this heat

Keep your dog cool and hydrated in all this heat

Dear Miss Behavin’: Do you have any suggestions on caring for my dog in this heat? Reply: Hot weather can take a toll on our dogs just like it does for us humans. Here are a few tips for staying cool and keeping it together this summer. Instead of taking one long walk...

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