Staff Newspaper Columns

Ken White’s Column

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Critter Corner

Addressing neighbor’s barking dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: My new neighbor never seems to be home and her dogs bark all day long! How can I address the problem without being confrontational? This is a great question and a very common one! I totally understand and appreciate your inclination to keep the...

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Christmas tree and your cat

Dear Miss Behavin’: I adopted my cat Ginger a few months ago and now that December is here I would like to get a Christmas tree. I am nervous that Ginger will want to climb the tree and play with the decorations. What can I do to keep my tree and Ginger safe?  The...

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Helping resident dog adjust to new dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: We have a lab named Rudy who we’ve had for years, and recently adopted another lab named Sandy. They get along for the most part, but Rudy gets so jealous when we pay attention to Sandy! How do we reassure him that we still love him just as much as...

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Enrichment Activities for Non-Traditional Pets

Dear Miss Behavin’: I’ve seen columns about enrichment for cats and dogs, but I have some unusual pets that I think would benefit from mental stimulation too. Any suggestions for enrichment for reptiles or birds? Absolutely, every animal could have a more enriched...

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Preparing furry baby for a human baby

Are you or a fellow pet owner expecting a baby? You’ll want to prepare your furry “baby” for the big changes ahead. If your companion animal is not used to children, you want them to get comfortable with them prior to bringing your baby home. Positive experiences with...

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Helping puppy adjust to change

Dear Miss Behavin’: My six month old puppy and I just moved into a new house where we have roommates and even a new doggie roommate. Rosie is misbehaving more than usual lately and is pestering our roommate’s dog, Captain. How do I help Rosie with the transition?...

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A safer Halloween for your dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: With Halloween around the corner, is there anything I should be concerned with as far as keeping my dog safe? That is a great question!  For many dogs this can be a scary time because of everyone dressing up in costume.  If this is your dog’s first...

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Suggestions for a good starter pet

Dear Miss Behavin’: We’re looking to adopt a pet! We aren’t sure what kind, and the kids are open to anything from a turtle to a dog. Our home is small, we’ll be first-time pet owners, and we’re often out of the house at least 8-10 hours a day. What’s a good starter...

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