Staff Newspaper Columns

Ken White’s Column

Exotic cats

Last week, we explored the fancypants world of “designer dogs,” noting the only meaningful difference between them and mutts is that the former has a better publicist. Not wishing to be accused of bias, this week we visit the universe of hybrid cats. Bengal cats,...

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Purebred or mutt?

A friend was convinced that her PHS-adopted shih tzu-mix was actually a trendy new breed made up of shih tzu and French bulldog until I asked if that meant the pup was actually a French Bull Shitz? Yea, I know, with friends like me ... Merriam-Webster defines purebred...

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Best Friends Forever

BFF (Best Friends Forever) gains a whole new meaning when you take a look at the archeological record: did you know that our ancient ancestors in many cultures buried their dogs and cats, often alongside themselves and often with great pomp and ceremony? Certainly the...

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Eight-legged fear

My column about Jacob and his pet tarantula led to several conversations regarding spider phobias, and that led to the internet for some interesting reading. Ten percent of Americans are affected by phobias (per the American Psychiatric Association), 40 percent of...

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Eight-legged love

Many past columns celebrated the joys of life with dogs and cats, and we’ve also touched on potbellied pigs, rabbits, hamsters, love birds, tortoises, guinea pigs and other animals broadly considered pets (or, for the more politically correct in the audience,...

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Honoring our history

Both in our private lives and also in the big public horrors we face together, life is often hard. For my generation, that first shocking experience we share was the assassination of a president. We all seem to remember where we were when we learned JFK had been...

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Hooked on canines

These past few months we’ve talked about the dangers of dogs in hot cars, summertime increases in ticks and fleas and nasty weeds which literally get under our pet’s skin, older dogs being dragged on leash by oblivious humans out to enjoy the nice weather, and more....

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Those Summer Time Blues

From Linda: “Since it’s summer we find ourselves at beaches and parks more than other times of the year. As such, you see more people who have their dogs off leash and the distressing consequences of most dogs who don’t return on command. Dogs who are blissfully...

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Living with Snakes

Opehidiophobia. Readers will recognize the end of that word means “fear of”; opehidiophobia is fear of snakes. I just returned from a glorious week in Tahoe where, yes, snakes live and thrive (along with thousands of other remarkable plants and animals: I mean, how...

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The long drive

We Californians love our cars and live in such a beautiful part of the world. While driving trips are among my favorite travels, I’ve known plenty of car sickness sufferers. Many claim the best antidote is simply to let them drive, which certainly begs the question:...

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Slime time had by all

Hillsborough resident Julie writes: “I finally figured out who’s eating my lettuces, and I’m not amused. It is these horrible brown snails. Surely your love of animals does not extend to them?” The ubiquitous Bay Area garden snail is no lowlife, Julie. This is the...

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A downside to good care

Remember those quarter-sized turtles in plastic bowls, adorned with a 2-inch green plastic palm tree, available for a pittance from neighborhood five-and-dimes? Millions were sold for decades. For many kids, these were the first “pet” and the first experience with...

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Keeping track of your pet

Not knowing where your animal has gone, if he or she is safe ... that’s a horrible experience. Decades ago when we first brought our newborn home from hospital, one of our cats was obviously unhappy about the addition to the family. An indoor only cat, she made the...

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Hot enough for you?

Prior to my role here at PHS/SPCA, I spent seven years at Arizona Humane Society, so when I hear people complain about how hot it is I admit I tend to snicker. Not, however, when it comes to how hot it is — and how potentially dangerous it is — for dogs in the wrong...

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Fourth of July is hard for critters

I really think a gigantic red, white and blue cake with forks for everyone is the right way to celebrate our country’s birthday, but people just keep lighting fuses and blowing stuff up. So until my idea catches on, especially since this year the Fourth falls smack...

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Critter Corner

Introducing a kitten to a dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: We have an exuberant eight month old puppy and are considering bringing home a kitten. What are some tips on choosing our kitten and introducing it to the dog? It’s a good idea to start this process while both the kitten and puppy are young! Even...

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Helping puppy to slow down when eating

Dear Miss Behavin’: Our new puppy, Theo, is so much fun and a voracious eater! Recently, he ate his meal so quickly, it came right back up. What can we do to help him slow down? New puppies are always full of fun surprises! A hearty appetite is a good thing, but will...

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Positive muzzle training

Dear Miss Behavin’: We were told by our vet at our dogs last visit that he was very nervous and they needed to muzzle him. Is there anything we can do so that his future visits are not so stressful for him? What a great question and yes there are a few things you can...

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Getting cat used to the carrier

Dear Miss Behavin’: My cat absolutely hates his carrier. Trying to get him inside is a struggle and I’m worried in an emergency I won’t be able to get him inside quickly. What can I do to help him get used to his carrier and let him know it’s a safe spot?  The first...

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Leash manners

Dear Miss Behavin’: Our dog gets very excited when we go to take him for a walk. He is jumpy and pulling on the leash before we get out the front door and this way for a good portion of the walk, making the walk unpleasant. Is there something we can do so that we...

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Budgie needs

Dear Miss Behavin’: I really want to get a bird, specifically a budgie. I have done a little research but I’m not sure if I’m ready for a pet bird. What do budgies need to feel comfortable? Birds can be great pets and companions, but they do require a lot of care....

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Teaching puppy to not jump on people

Dear Miss Behavin’: Our puppy has been allowed to say hi to the family by jumping up on us. We are now realizing that he will be bigger than what we thought and that he could hurt someone, how do we correct the behavior? Great job on realizing the potential problem...

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Adding a second dog to the family

Dear Miss Behavin’: We’ve long been thinking about getting a second dog as a playmate for our young shepherd mix, Donny, and figure now is as good a time as any! Any tips on making sure they are compatible? Though it seems obvious, a good starting point is determining...

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Rabbit Enrichment

Dear Miss Behavin’: I recently adopted a rabbit and as a first time rabbit owner I still have a lot to learn. What are some things that I can offer my rabbit to make sure she doesn’t get bored? Sometimes she chews on my furniture and I’m worried I’m not offering her...

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