Staff Newspaper Columns

Ken White’s Column

Animal Collectors

Once portrayed as people who “cared too much” and “in over their heads”, animal hoarders are now recognized as suffering from a diagnosable mental illness linked to obsessive compulsive disorder. My first experience (back in the 1970s) was with a man who sat perfectly...

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Dogs and Litter Boxes

On the topic of doggy bad breath (and routine dental care) a few weeks ago, I mentioned one cause may be what some dogs choose as “snacks”: to put it less delicately, the sad fact that some dogs who live with cats may be fond of “cleaning” those litterboxes. As nice...

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Be Kind to Animals Week

I’m guessing you forgot to send me the Hallmark but this is officially the start of Be Kind To Animals Week. Yes, I know, it seems like everything gets its own special time on the calendar:  Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is January 29, April 4 is International Carrot...

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Over Rescue

This might be unexpected coming from me, but today’s column is meant to encourage you to considering leaving alone some animals who might seem to be in distress. I’m talking about young native wild animals, from baby squirrels to songbirds and others. This is the time...

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High Touch plus High Tech

Last week we talked about high touch pets as opposed to high tech gizmos, but this week we see how the two have recently been brought together in one, shall we say, unexpected fashion. Now that scientists have mapped the genetic code of dogs we’ve seen a few...

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High Touch vs High Tech

Sure, we live in the very Center of the Tech Universe but, self-driving cars and artificial intelligence aside, this weekend I had to return my new desk lamp after receiving a scary recall notice from the manufacturer. Really, how am I supposed to trust my life to...

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Beware the Lizard People

Not sure how I missed this when it first hit the news but as reported back a few weeks ago the Parkland Police Department (a community outside Tacoma Washington) responded to calls of a heavily armed man standing next to his car in the middle of the street. It is,...

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Hair of the Dog

Just one of many colorful sayings involving animals, “hair of the dog” is the prescription to cure a hangover by drinking just a bit of what caused it. (From my undergrad days, I know that’s terrible advice.) The fuller version of the expression is “hair of the dog...

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What’s in a Name?

Why are we called Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA instead of just Peninsula Humane Society or Peninsula SPCA…? Because that’s the name picked by the folks who founded us in the 1950s. There are 8-10,000 organizations in the U.S. with one, the other, or both SPCA...

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Spring Has Sprung

Tomorrow is the First Day of Spring. Technically, Spring falls just after the Vernal Equinox, when day and night are each 12 hours long as the Sun’s center crosses the equator on its way north. In myth, this coincides with the ability to balance an egg upright...

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Black Cat Myths

Considering who is likely reading my column it’s safe to assume none of us here think black cats are unlucky or evil -- but how did they get that rap? Researchers of such things point to ancient Greek lore: Zeus’ wife Hera magicked a servant named Galinthias into a...

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What the F!

F for Feline, of course. Similar names of three feline diseases (FIV, FIP, Felv) is confusing, so let’s clear that up. Feline Leukemia Virus (Felv) primarily spreads by saliva: sharing bowls, grooming, cat fights, and pregnant moms can infect kittens. Healthy adults...

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Doggy (and Kitty) Dental

Last week’s column about pets’ stinky breath led to several conversations. Bottom line, pet owners (me among them) are often shocked at the cost for a dental cleaning. But while I don’t get paid by the veterinary lobby I do know that there are real reasons for the...

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Stinky Breath

I have a friend who jokes that his dog’s breath can kill spiders climbing walls across the room, and having spent time with them both I’m not sure it’s an exaggeration. Stinky breath can of course mean something stinky was eaten (dogs who like to “clean” litterboxes...

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Cats Love Us

Have you ever noticed that the anger which follows stupid comments like “dogs don’t really love people” is matched by the incredulity which follows stupid comments like “cats really do love people”..? Last week we considered research which confirms what we already...

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Critter Corner

Myth of Lockjaw

Dear Miss Behavin’: I love how cute Pit Bulls look, and I’ve been considering adopting one, but I am very scared about their “Lockjaw.”  Should I adopt a different breed? The American Pit Bull Terrier is a very loving, athletic, and affectionate breed of dog....

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Dear Miss Behavin’: We have a newly adopted puppy and are struggling with potty training him. Do you have any suggestions you could give to help us with the process? Congratulations on your new pup! As with any new pup into our home, we need to give them guidance on...

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High energy dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: We have a young pointer mix who is super energetic. He gets at least an hour long walk daily but it never seems to be enough- he is constantly bouncing off the walls! What else can we do to manage his excitement? A young excitable dog like yours,...

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Strengthening bond with dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: I love my new dog, but she loves my partner more than me! She follows them around the house and doesn’t seem nearly as interested in me. How can I get my dog to become more focused on me? The key to strengthening your bond with your new dog is to...

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Shy Dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: We have a newly adopted dog that is on the shy side and is not wanting to go out of the house.  What can we do to help him build his confidence and get him comfortable with leaving the house? Congratulations on your new guy!  All dogs coming into a...

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Dog reactive dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: I have a large dog, Nancy, who is reactive to other dogs. Recently, an off-leash dog ran up to us on our walk and started a scuffle. Nancy was on leash, but we couldn’t escape the other dog. Do you have any tips for avoiding conflict like this in...

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Cat keeping you up all night

Dear Miss Behavin’: I recently adopted a cat and she is great except for the fact she runs around all night long and meows in my face at 3am. How can I get her to sleep through the night? As hard as it sounds, the best thing to do is ignore her when she is keeping you...

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Indoor games and exercise for your dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: With colder weather upon us, I am looking for ways to keep my pup busy on the days we can’t exercise him as much as we normally do. Do you have any suggestions on great indoor games or types of exercise? This is a great question and many owners...

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Setting boundaries with dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: Our older dog, Josie, was recently injured and had to get stitches. Our younger dog, Jimmy, is very rambunctious and keeps pestering Josie has she rests. We want to keep the peace but don’t want to banish Jimmy to the back yard. Any tips to help us...

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Kitten pouncing and biting

Dear Miss Behavin’: My new kitten always pounces at me and bites at my hands and feet. I’ve tried to ignore him when he does it, but it’s not working. How can I get him to stop? Your kitten might be telling you that he is bored! Play with him more often and let him...

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