Spay and Neuter Services
Schedule a Spay/Neuter appointment
Please click on the button below to schedule your pet’s appointment.
A $25 non-refundable deposit is required for Spay/Neuter appointments, payable when you schedule the appointment. Your deposit will be applied to your service fees the day of your appointment. The remainder of your payment is due during check-in on the day of your appointment. If you give us less than 48 hours notice before you cancel/reschedule or no call/no show, you will lose your deposit.
Please note we are currently scheduling spay or neuter surgeries for one month out.
Rabbits are very sensitive to stress and long-distance travel, especially post-surgery. For this reason, we are only performing spay/neuter surgeries for rabbits who live in the following counties: San Francisco County, San Mateo County, Santa Clara County, Alameda County, and Contra Costa County.
Online Scheduling Notes and Important Information Regarding our Spay & Neuter Clinic
- Currently we book up to one month in advance. Appointment slots fill very quickly. If there are no appointments available please wait until more are released at midnight.
- Appointments from the 1stto the 15th of the month are reserved for San Mateo County residents only. If you are NOT a San Mateo County resident and you make an appointment during this time, it will be denied. Proof of residency will be required at the time of check-in.
- If you need an appointment, you will need to request online. We do not schedule appointments over the phone.
- Fields with an asterisk (*) are required and must be filled in order for your request to be submitted.
- You may request up to 2 appointments per day. If you have more than two pets, you will need to submit another request for a different day.
- Appointments cannot be rescheduled. We can cancel your appointment and you will need to go back and request another appointment online.
- Please do not make more than one appointment for the same pet. Without cancellation confirmation, the second appointment you make for the same pet will be denied.
- If your pet is scheduled for the incorrect sex, you will be turned away when you arrive at your appointment and will need to go back online to request another appointment.
- Dogs and Cats must be at least 4 months old by their appointment date. Male Rabbits must be 6 months old, & Female Rabbits must be at least 1 year old.
- Pre-surgical bloodwork is required for Dogs older than 7 and a half years, & for Cats older than 9 and a half years prior to surgery (at an additional cost).
- We do not accept Brachycephalic dogs or cats. Examples include but are not limited to : French/English Bulldogs, Pugs, Pekingese, Boston Terriers, American/British/Exotic Shorthairs, Persians, Scottish Folds/Straights, Himalayans, Selkirk/Devon Rex, & Burmese.
- We do not accept Female pets that have had any abdominal surgery, including C-sections; Male Rabbits that are cryptorchid; or Male Cats & Dogs that are abdominal cryptorchid.
- Please note: If your pet is observed to have a heart murmur during the pre-surgical exam, your pet could be declined. Approval of surgery is at discretion of the surgeon and dependent on severity of the heart murmur.
- We require Von Willebrand Factor (blood test) for Doberman Pinschers prior to surgery (at an additional cost).
- Dogs should be current on their Distemper vaccine (“DHPP”/”DA2P”) and Cats on their FVRCP vaccine. Proof is required on the day of your appointment, either shown on paper or on your phone. You may also upload them when making an appointment online.
- If your pet has any medical conditions or is taking medications other than preventatives, please explain in the notes section on Step 3 of your appointment request.
- If you need additional financial assistance to have your pet spayed or neutered and you are a San Mateo County resident, we encourage you to contact the County of San Mateo for information on a Spay/Neuter Assistance Voucher.
Thanks for contacting us.
Spaying and neutering is the key to solving many of your animal’s health and behavior problems and is the most effective way to stop the tragedy of pet overpopulation in San Mateo County. Trained staff in our donor-supported clinic — located at the north end of our shelter (12 Airport Blvd.) — perform spay and neuter surgeries on every animal adopted from PHS/SPCA, and provide low-cost surgeries for members of the public and their animals. Appointments are necessary.
Dogs are admitted between 7:00 am and 7:30 am. Cats and Rabbits are admitted between 7:30 am and 8:00 am & discharged between 4 pm and 5:30 pm. After admission, please expect to wait for your pet to be examined. Wait times vary depending on each pet and when you check in. Clinic hours are Monday–Friday from 7 am – 11 am, and 12 noon – 6 pm. To make an appointment, please read through the bullet points and click the button above to schedule an appointment.
You are welcome to pay the minimum PHS/SPCA fee, however, any additional amount you can pay toward the actual cost of the surgery will greatly benefit the shelter animals. We charge additional fees for animals who are pregnant or obese or those who have had a cesarean because they require more time and medical supplies.
Males | Surgery Fees | |
Cats | $75 | |
Rabbits | $125 | |
Dogs* | under 20 lbs | $225 |
21-39 lbs | $245 | |
40-75 lbs | $260 | |
76-99 lbs | $285 | |
100+ | We cannot provide services for any pet over 100lbs. | |
Inguinal Cryptorchid* | Cats for one is $30; for both is $60 Dogs for one is $60; for both is $110 |
Umbilical Hernia (Cat)* | $40 | |
Umbilical Hernia (Dog)* | $85 |
Females | Surgery Fees | |
Cats | $85 | |
Rabbits | $150 | |
Dogs* | under 20 lbs | $250 |
21-39 lbs | $275 | |
40 -75 lbs | $300 | |
76-99 lbs | $350 | |
100+ lbs | We cannot provide services for any pet over 100lbs. | |
Umbilical Hernia (Cat)* | $25 | |
Umbilical Hernia (Dog)* | $75 |
Other Services** | |
Catheters for female dogs (as necessary) | $40 |
Deciduous teeth | $15 each |
Ear mite medication | $20 |
Vaccines (FeLV, DHPP, FVRCP, Rabies) | $15 each |
FeLv/FIV test | $30 |
Nail Trim | $10 |
Obese* | $50 |
Pre-surgical lab work (as necessary) | $180 |
Von Willebrand Factor (Doberman Pinscher) | $220 |
Microchip | $30 |
Tapeworm treatment | $25 |
In heat/Pregnant cat* | $50 |
In heat/Pregnant dog* | $75 |
Subcutaneous Fluids (as necessary) | $15 |
E-Collar | $10 |
*In addition to spay or neuter fee
**Other Services are available only in conjunction with spay or neuter surgery and are not stand-alone services.
Fees subject to change.