Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog is not a fan of other dogs, but many owners in my neighborhood let their dogs walk off-leash. What is the best way to respond if an off-leash dog runs up to my dog?

PETS OF THE WEEK: Meet Foggy and Blacky, a bonded pair of 8-year-olds who hope you have room for two. Foggy is the cuddly guy, always purring and searching for petting. Blacky is more independent, though she’s the more playful one. Both will greet you at the door when you arrive, winding between your legs to say hello. Adopt 35 pounds of love! Ask for Foggy and Blacky ID#s A817904 & A817903. Adoptable pets are available at Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA’s Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame. For information, call 650-340-7022 or visit (Thelma Andree / Peninsula Humane Society)
Reply: I sympathize with owners who want to let their dogs exercise off-leash, but remember that there are county laws that dictate where dogs can be off-leash. In order to avoid a citation, dogs should be leashed at all times in public. Even if you are in a designated off-leash area, it is risky unless your dog has a very reliable recall (will immediately return if called).
If you are walking your dog on leash and a loose dog runs up to you, your first line of defense is typically the other owner. Kindly, but firmly, ask the person to get their dog. If the other owner won’t listen, put your hand up as a “stop” sign to discourage them. If you carry dog treats, try tossing a few at the incoming dog as a distraction. Keep walking purposefully in the opposite direction, but don’t run, which could encourage the other dog to chase you.
If you have a small dog, you could pick him up, but try to do it in a discrete way. Some loose dogs might become more excited by a dog being lifted off the ground, and could start jumping up at you if they see your dog in your arms. You could also try hiding your pint-size pup in the folds of your jacket.
If all else fails and the other dog runs up to your dog, keep your dog’s leash loose (so he doesn’t feel trapped) and hope for the best. Fight the instinct to restrain your dog or put your body in front of his face, as this could result in you getting hurt. Most of the time there will be an awkward hello and maybe some growling before the other owner gets control of his or her dog. If nothing major happens, try to shake off the experience and keep strolling so you end your walk on a positive note.