Dear Miss Behavin’:
My older male cat has been peeing just outside the litter box. He’s been to the vet and doesn’t have a UTI, what else could be the issue?
When cats, especially senior cats, start to have litterbox issues, it isn’t always due to a urinary or bladder infection. It could simply be a part of the aging process. As cats begin to age and become seniors, their ability to climb in and out of the litterbox may become more difficult. Whether they are losing muscle mass and strength in their legs or have early signs of arthritis, the litterbox can quickly turn from friend to foe.
Try observing your cat when he uses the litterbox and determine if he has trouble with climbing in and over into the litterbox. Keep an eye on whether he has issues with just one limb or both. Then be sure to watch for when he climbs out, and whether he has any trouble with putting weight on his front limbs while the rear limbs bend and fold to climb out and over. If you notice any slowing down, stiffening, or reluctance, this could be a sign of ailing joints and muscles and something to definitely discuss with your vet first. Your vet can determine whether to suggest any additional supplements or anti-inflammatories to add to your cat’s daily regime.
Once you’ve spoke with your vet, consider alternate forms of litter boxes. Some older cats may prefer litterboxes with a shorter lip to climb over or are generally lower in height all around. Alternatively, you can try cutting out a door in the litterbox, in case your male tends to urinate over the sides of a short box and may need the rest of it to still have a decent height. Get creative and be safe when carving out your cat’s new litterbox.