Dear Miss Behavin’: My wife and I adopted “Lucy,” a Chihuahua mix, last week, and she’s too shy to go to the bathroom in front of us. We don’t have a backyard so must take her outdoors on leash. After we bring her inside, Lucy hides and pees on carpet. Please help.

PET OF THE WEEK: Happy is a large, 3-year-old, litter-box trained female rabbit with a short, white coat. She can be a little shy at first, but once she’s comfortable, she will be glad to sit beside you for some love. Happy should have a large cage or exercise pen and a patient owner, since she doesn’t enjoy being picked up. Be sure to speak with an adoption counselor. Happy is in foster care; make arrangements to meet her by contacting Melissa at [email protected] or 650-340-7022. Ask for Happy, ID# A598939.
Other adoptable pets are available at Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA’s Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame. The shelter is open for adoptions 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends. Potential adopters should arrive at least an hour before closing time to complete an adoption. For directions and information, call 650-340-7022 or visit (Daniela Todorcevic / Peninsule Humane Society)

 Reply: It’s natural to postulate an explanation for Lucy’s housetraining problems, but remember that dogs don’t have the same expectation of privacy in regards to bathroom activities as do (most) people. A more simple explanation could be that Lucy was used to going to the bathroom on carpet in her previous home.

Imagine if you, having been trained since age 3 to use a toilet, all of a sudden were told to use a trash can instead? You might have a few reservations.

To train a dog to use a new area, supervision and praise are crucial. This means supervising Lucy constantly when she’s indoors, and really laying on the praise (“good girl,” petting, treats) if she does happen to go potty outside. Using an exercise pen or crate can be useful ways to confine a dog when you’re not at home. In regard to crate-training, it actually can be very beneficial for shy dogs to have a safe place to call their own.

Speaking of shyness, if Lucy is nervous with new people and surroundings, this could certainly affect her housetraining. Lucy might always have been off-leash when she went potty in her previous home, and so the leash is throwing her off. She might not feel safe enough in your neighborhood yet. Having a set routine where she is fed, walked and played with at certain times can help her feel more secure.

In short, don’t assume that human emotions are to blame for Lucy’s accidents. Try using crate-training and a predictable routine, and the housetraining may naturally improve. Remember to praise Lucy for doing the right thing in addition to supervising her at home. If she does slip up, resist the urge to reprimand her after the fact. For a shy dog, they need gentle encouragement over punishment.

Read more from Miss Behavin’ in the Mercury News.