PET OF THE WEEK: Twinkie is an 11-year-old male shih tzu who loves to run and explore the world. He also loves a good snuggle and pets as well. He just can�t get enough of your love and attention. He is a very sweet little guy who does well with other dogs, so may be a great friend for your current dog. Ask for Twinkie, ID# A366539. Adoptable pets are available at Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA’s Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame. For information, call 650-340-7022 or visit www.phs-spca.org. (Courtesy of Peninsula Humane Society)
Dear Miss Behavin’: My shepherd, “Rosco,” keeps getting loose on walks and running up to other on-leash dogs. I think he just wants to play, but he scares the daylights out of the other owners, and I’ve gotten my fair share of dirty looks.
Reply: Rosco may just want to play, but you are right to try to stop his antics. Even if his intentions are good, it isn’t fair to expect a pooch to tolerate Rosco bounding up. Also, the dog on leash is trapped, and knows it.
A dog on leash will likely be defensive if an off-leash dog runs up, because she has no means of escape. For all these reasons (not to mention common courtesy and local leash laws), it’s best to keep Rosco under your control.
The first thing I would do is reassess what you are using to walk Rosco. Quite a few dogs are able to slip their head out of a flat collar, so if this is how Rosco is breaking away, I’d highly recommend investing in a front-lead, no-pull harness. We sell these harnesses at our Center for Compassion Furchandise store (1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame), so if you stop by our helpful staff can help fit one on Rosco.
You will also want to consider what type of leash you are using. Many folks favor using the retractable flexi leashes, but these are a disaster if you have a dog like Rosco. Using a regular, sturdy 6-foot nylon or leather leash will give you much more security on walks. Don’t feel bad for Rosco that he’s lost a bit of freedom. Most dogs are so happy to be out on a walk they won’t notice what type of leash you are using.
Lastly, try carrying some tasty treats with you in your pocket so you can distract Rosco if another dog approaches. Reward Rosco for checking in with you, instead of being fixated on that other dog. Rosco needs to learn he can’t run up to every dog he sees, and the treats will help train him to stay calm. With the right equipment and positive reinforcement, Rosco can be a neighborhood obedience star.
Read more from Miss Behavin’ in the Mercury News.