PET OF THE WEEK: Elsa is a 3-year-old American Bulldog mix who traveled from Florida to California seeking a brighter future following Hurricane Irma. Elsa is a joyful, playful and affectionate girl. Now that her eight puppies are on their own Elsa, ID# A833163, eagerly awaits her forever home. As so many other hurricane rescues. Adoptable pets are available at Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA’s Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame. For information, call 650-340-7022 or visit www.phs-spca.org. (Chuck Pitkofsky / Peninsula Humane Society)
Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog, “Fuzzy,” is a shy boy, and runs to hide whenever visitors come over. We are hosting Thanksgiving this year and I’m worried he’ll be overwhelmed. How can I make the holiday bearable for him?
Reply: Just like people, dogs have different levels of sociability. Some folks love parties where they can mingle and meet new friends. For others, social situations are extremely stressful. If your dog falls into this latter category, that’s perfectly OK. You might need to make a few adjustments to make him more comfortable when company arrives.
First, avoid pressuring Fuzzy to socialize. Some dogs have a small social circle that includes only their immediate family and a few trusted friends. If you try to force Fuzzy to meet new people by putting him on their laps or restraining him so they can pet him, he’ll feel trapped and even more afraid. You’re much better off letting Fuzzy be completely free to approach people if he chooses.
Give visitors a heads up when they first arrive to avoid trying to talk, pet or hold Fuzzy. Typically the best thing they can do is ignore Fuzzy entirely and allow him to warm up in his own sweet time. It might take 10 minutes, 2 hours, or never, but that’s OK. Remember, every dog is an individual. If allowed, your guests could try slipping Fuzzy a tasty treat to help break the ice.
Watch for signs that the party is too overwhelming for Fuzzy. Signs of stress include pacing, drooling, lip-licking, or trying to hide. It might be helpful to create a safe spot for Fuzzy away from guests if you notice these cues. A back bedroom or laundry area can make a good safe spot, complete with soft bed, water and a chew toy. If Fuzzy is crate-trained, a crate can be a great place for him to feel secure. A white-noise machine or radio can also help drown out guests if they become too raucous.
If you take the pressure off Fuzzy, give your guests proper instruction, and have a safe spot set up ahead of time, you can help Fuzzy to have a Happy Thanksgiving too.