PET OF THE WEEK: Lily Belle is a 5-year-old tuxedo cat who’s been at PHS/SPCA since 2015. This little lady is the ultimate cuddle bug, happy to curl up on your lap and purr the night away. She’s looking for an experienced owner and can’t wait to meet you! Come visit (and bring treats); ask for Lily Belle #A501129. Adoptable pets are available at Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA’s Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame. For information, call 650-340-7022 or visit (Thelma Andree / Peninsula Humane Society)

Dear Miss Behavin’: My family recently adopted a 10-year-old lab mix, and he barks. A lot. He only seems to bark because he wants food or our attention. For example, when we eat dinner, he will sit there and bark nonstop until we give him food. How can we live in peace again?

Reply: It sounds like your new dog knows well how to train people. He’s likely figured out that if he barks enough, eventually people will give in and dole out attention or food. Remember, dogs do what has worked for them in the past. Bear in mind that the longer a dog has been practicing a behavior, the tougher it is to get him to stop. So if your lab was barking for food and attention for 10 years in his previous home, he’s not going to magically stop overnight.

One effective way to curb the barking is so simply turn your back and ignore him. Eventually, if your lab learns that he never gets any food or attention (physical or verbal) when he barks, he will give up. However, this method takes a lot of self-control and patience, and isn’t feasible for everyone. For example, if you live in an apartment, you might not be able to tolerate long stretches of barking.

You can also try using a distraction during mealtimes, so your new dog won’t be so focused on the table. For example, try stuffing a rubber Kong toy with kibble and peanut butter beforehand, so he has something to occupy himself while your family eats in peace. You can also try having him rest in a crate (assuming he is crate-trained and doesn’t get upset if confined), if he won’t cease barking.

Whatever method you choose, consistency is key, so make sure all family members are on the same page and know not to give your dog attention or food if he’s barking. Visitors to your home should be given the same instructions. Even though your lab may have been barking for years, with persistence you can give him a fresh start in his new home.


Read more from Miss Behavin’ in the Mercury News.