Leash manners

Dear Miss Behavin’: Our dog gets very excited when we go to take him for a walk. He is jumpy and pulling on the leash before we get out the front door and this way for a good portion of the walk, making the walk unpleasant. Is there something we can do so that we...

Teaching puppy to not jump on people

Dear Miss Behavin’: Our puppy has been allowed to say hi to the family by jumping up on us. We are now realizing that he will be bigger than what we thought and that he could hurt someone, how do we correct the behavior? Great job on realizing the potential problem...

Helping new puppy settle down

Dear Miss Behavin’: We have a new puppy and that is very active and doesn’t like to sit still or settle for very long. Is there something we can do to help our puppy learn to settle? This is a great question and one that is often over looked by many owners, the...

Tips on helping dog deal with firework noise

Dear Miss Behavin’: We have a new puppy and are concerned about the upcoming 4th of July holiday and how our pup will react to the fireworks.  What are some steps we can take to ensure a safe and stress-free holiday for our pup? The 4th of July can be a scary day for...

Teaching dog to not pick things up while out on walks

Dear Miss Behavin’: My puppy likes to pick up everything on our walks.  Is there a way to stop them from doing this, I am afraid they are going to get something poisonous?  This is a great question and one that many owners face.  You can teach your pup a cue such as...

Dog barking more than usual

Dear Miss Behavin’: I have noticed since we have been sheltered in place that my pup is barking a lot more than before.  I am not sure how to handle this and would like to address it before it becomes a habit. This is a great question and I am sure something that a...