Settling a newly adopted dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: We have decided to adopt a dog, but are not sure if we should get a puppy or an adult.  This will also be our first dog so what should we expect? Congratulations on your new family member!  There are many things to consider when bringing a dog into...

Keeping dog entertained indoors when the weather is bad outside

Dear Miss Behavin’: We have a very active pup and are worried with the rainy season coming upon us, that we will not be able to provide our pup enough exercise.  What are some ideas on ways we can exercise our pup during this time? That is a great question!  For many...

A safer Halloween for your dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: With Halloween around the corner, is there anything I should be concerned with as far as keeping my dog safe? That is a great question!  For many dogs this can be a scary time because of everyone dressing up in costume.  If this is your dog’s first...

Teaching dog to come when called

Dear Miss Behavin’: What is the best way to get my dog to come to me when I call him? That is a great question!  There are several things we can do to set our dogs up for a successful recall.  Here are a few suggestions that work to get everyone off on the right foot....

Helping to overcome your dog’s barking and lunging at other dogs

Dear Miss Behavin’: How do I stop my dog from barking and lunging when he sees another dog when we are out? Unfortunately this is a common problem that many owners face.  The two most common reasons are frustration and fear.  Once you figure which one you are working...

Teaching dog to not jump on people

Dear Miss Behavin’: How do I stop my dog from jumping on people when we are out walking?  He knows not to jump on us at home, so I don’t know why he jumps on people when we are out walking. This is a very common problem for a lot of dogs.  The most common reason is...