Training your dog to not eat so fast

Dear Miss Behavin’: We got a sweet new puppy, Flower, last week who has quite the appetite. A few times, she’s eaten her meals so quickly that they come right back up! How do we slow her down? First of all, congratulations on your new puppy! It’s good that she has a...

Tips for keeping dog entertained while you’re out of the house

Dear Miss Behavin’: We adopted a new dog on Friday and had a great weekend going for walks and getting to know each other. All was well until we came home from work Monday to a destroyed house! Dusty got into the trash, chewed up some throw pillows, pooped on the...

Introducing dog to neighborhood kids

Dear Miss Behavin’: I just moved to a new neighborhood where there are lots of families. My dog Poppy is really sweet with people but isn’t so sure about all of the little kids. They of course want to pet and play with her but she is hesitant. How can I help her warm...

Training beyond the basics

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog, Smith, learned his basic obedience commands much faster than expected! What are some other things I can teach him now that we’ve got the basics down? After mastering the basics, teaching tricks is a great way to continue building...

Tips on helping resident dog adjust to new puppy

Dear Miss Behavin’: We recently adopted a puppy named Hanky. We adore him but our older dog, Moe, hasn’t been his usual self. How can we help ensure a lifelong friendship between the two? Adding a new puppy to the household brings lots of change for everyone. One way...

Keeping dog calm and relaxed in the car

Dear Miss Behavin’: Our new dog, Spanky, loves going places with us,and we love taking him. The problem is he’s so excited in the car that he can’t sit still. He hops from seat to seat and tries to lick our faces. How do we contain his excitement on the road? You are...