Cat keeping you up at night?

Dear Miss Behavin’: My cat, Louie, has been roaming around the house and meowing in the middle of the night, waking me up. How can I get him to stop? Cats are naturally nocturnal animals so this behavior is no surprise. Luckily, there are a few ways you can...

Addressing neighbor’s barking dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: My new neighbor never seems to be home and her dogs bark all day long! How can I address the problem without being confrontational? This is a great question and a very common one! I totally understand and appreciate your inclination to keep the...

Helping resident dog adjust to new dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: We have a lab named Rudy who we’ve had for years, and recently adopted another lab named Sandy. They get along for the most part, but Rudy gets so jealous when we pay attention to Sandy! How do we reassure him that we still love him just as much as...

Helping puppy adjust to change

Dear Miss Behavin’: My six month old puppy and I just moved into a new house where we have roommates and even a new doggie roommate. Rosie is misbehaving more than usual lately and is pestering our roommate’s dog, Captain. How do I help Rosie with the transition?...

Working through potty training issues

Dear Miss Behavin’: I adopted a dog, Lolly, last week and the shelter told me she was potty trained. She did fine for a few days but now is having accidents daily. What’s the deal? There are lots of possible explanations for Lolly’s recent accidents, so let’s start at...

What eye contact means in dogs

Dear Miss Behavin’: My last dog, Harry, used to gaze lovingly into my eyes all the time. It made me feel like we had such a good bond! My new dog, Hildy, rarely makes eye contact. Often when I call her name, she lifts her head but looks to the side. A friend said...