Not Very Valentinesy

I love animals. That said, not every lovely-dovey thing we think about animals is necessarily all that lovely-dovey. Take, for example, the Kissing Gourami. As anyone who had an aquarium as a kid can tell you, these are relatively hardy, interesting and unfortunately...

Kitten Season

Six months ago you would have found dozens of kittens during a tour of the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA. Take that same walk today, however, and you’ll find many wonderful adult and senior cats but no purring fuzz balls. Why is that? You’ve probably heard the...

Squirrel Appreciation Day

Break out the party hats, or at least the big bag of mixed nuts, because tomorrow, January 21, is World Squirrel Appreciation Day. (No, despite my job title, they don’t let me make these things up.) Squirrels are members of the pint-size rodent family Sciuridae which...

Winter Worryland

There’s little doubt the holiday season has left you in need of a vacation. I mean, all the shopping, the eating, the napping between shopping and eating. It’s been hell, and you deserve a rest! For many that means a call into work claiming you’re sick, and a drive up...

100 Years Ago

How the heck did it become 2020? This first column of the new decade, join me in Mr. Peabody’s Way-Back Machine (remember?) for a decade-by-decade peek at animal welfare over the past century. The year is 1920, the so-called War to End All Wars finally over, and the...

Resolution Solution

New Year’s Resolutions, typically unmet, are often repeated year after year. In 2018, 13% of us pledged “more time with friends and family,” making that the tenth most popular Resolution. #9 was drink less alcohol (15% of us made that promise last New Year’s Eve, and...