Allergies to animals

Last week I gave unsolicited and likely unwanted marriage advice to Roberta whose husband’s animal allergies left their kid deprived if not psychologically abused. Since The Daily Journal’s editors demonstrated no common sense in printing that, what’s to stop me from...

A house without fur

Roberta writes: “My husband is highly allergic to fur which means no pets. Bad as that is for me, a pet is all our sixth-grader wants. What to do?” First, are you sure he’s the right guy? Husbands come and go but an animal’s love is forever (OK, maybe I’d best leave...

To hug or not?

As a purveyor of gently used pets (yes, I’ve been called that) it’s fair to say I am in the love business. With that credential, especially in light of tomorrow’s holiday, it’s time to take a public stance on a topic which makes me crazy. Here it is: There is a...

Us and them

I was taught three attributes distinguish us from the “lesser” animals: language, tool use, agriculture. Anyone who occasionally looks at my ramblings knows I am a closet science nerd and drawn to studies (and there have been many) which show we are not the only...

Pretty Heavy Kitty

Here we are, halfway between calorie-intense holiday season and chocolate-is-king Valentine’s Day, all struggling (probably without success) to meet our exercise and diet New Year’s resolution. What the heck, if we can’t control our own eating habits then should it...

Internet? Maybe not?

Strangers often asked about Archie “what is he?” certain my handsome mutt was some rare breed. I once answered, completely straight-faced, “Lithuanian Water Collie” which earned the following response: “Oh! I read about them online!” But how reliable is the internet’s...