Make that cat an indoor animal

Last week was all about why cats should be indoor animals only. This week it’s how to make that happen. This applies to bringing that outdoor cat indoors and also to shutting the door to cats used to coming and going. In self-help manual style, let’s introduce the...

Both deserve better

A few weeks back, I wrote about the start of baby bird season. There I made a plea for keeping our pet cats as exclusively indoor animals. Clearly this raised some hackles since that gentle request resulted in a few most ungentle responses. Chill people, let’s pull...

May Day! Skunk Spray!

Here’s a May Day! emergency you hope to avoid: skunk spray. As Bay Area natives, skunks are here to stay so encounters are not rare. Good news, skunks are reluctant to use their spray (accurate up to 3 feet, strong enough to send bears scurrying) and typically warn...

A short, sweet life

The Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA saves thousands of animals every year. Perhaps not as obvious, we also touch many thousands of human lives. Two years ago, the Leiva family adopted Harvey, a little guy with a huge smile. One of a select group of humane...

Pot-bellied pigs

Tell me about pot-bellied pigs, writes Richard of Belmont. I’ve cared for dozens of animal species, professionally and personally, including one pot-bellied pig who arrived at the shelter so young that several months of home care were essential. The size and shape of...

A friend in high places

As readers might know, recently the U.S. Department of Agriculture removed thousands of animal-related public records from its website. This removal came without warning, without explanation, and without any opportunity for public input or Congressional process. For...