The long drive

We Californians love our cars and live in such a beautiful part of the world. While driving trips are among my favorite travels, I’ve known plenty of car sickness sufferers. Many claim the best antidote is simply to let them drive, which certainly begs the question:...

Slime time had by all

Hillsborough resident Julie writes: “I finally figured out who’s eating my lettuces, and I’m not amused. It is these horrible brown snails. Surely your love of animals does not extend to them?” The ubiquitous Bay Area garden snail is no lowlife, Julie. This is the...

A downside to good care

Remember those quarter-sized turtles in plastic bowls, adorned with a 2-inch green plastic palm tree, available for a pittance from neighborhood five-and-dimes? Millions were sold for decades. For many kids, these were the first “pet” and the first experience with...

Keeping track of your pet

Not knowing where your animal has gone, if he or she is safe … that’s a horrible experience. Decades ago when we first brought our newborn home from hospital, one of our cats was obviously unhappy about the addition to the family. An indoor only cat, she made...

Hot enough for you?

Prior to my role here at PHS/SPCA, I spent seven years at Arizona Humane Society, so when I hear people complain about how hot it is I admit I tend to snicker. Not, however, when it comes to how hot it is — and how potentially dangerous it is — for dogs in the wrong...

Fourth of July is hard for critters

I really think a gigantic red, white and blue cake with forks for everyone is the right way to celebrate our country’s birthday, but people just keep lighting fuses and blowing stuff up. So until my idea catches on, especially since this year the Fourth falls smack...