Dogs Love Us

Did you know there’s considerable research underway to answer the question “Do dogs really love us?” As to be expected with anything undertaken by humans, the answers are in total conflict with each other. The “no they don’t” side has a twofold argument. First, they...

Winterize Your Pooch

Although I think that skiing is about as much fun as sitting on a cactus, there are many Bay Area residents who disagree. So if you’re one of those folks planning to call in sick to work later this week and drive up to Tahoe so that you can strap yourself onto a pair...

The Wall

I know better than to jump into politics, especially at this time. My focus is the animals, crossing all parties and ideologies, and I am glad for that. So this is an apolitical all animal column on a very hot political topic: the proposed and much debated Border...

Dogs Putty in Our Hands

Last week we discussed how domestication has not much changed cats. Dogs, however, long ago signed a contract which allows us to remake them in whatever image people have in mind. In terms of genetics it’s hard to imagine another species quite so “Silly Putty” (think...

The Sort of Domesticated Cat

The story of the domestication of cats has many sentences which begin with “Probably…” and “Most but not all authorities…” and even the occasional “Your guess is as good as mine.” There are something like 74,000,000 cats sharing homes here in the U.S. alone and none...

My Pets’ New Year’s Resolutions

My dog and cats sat me down last night to discuss their own New Year’s Resolutions. Due to that whole lack of thumbs thing, they asked me to write these down on their behalf. As you’ll see, they decided to make their resolutions conditional on my own, meaning they’re...