Alec Bald-Wing?

As you probably imagine, most animals come to us nameless. Most in fact come to us not only nameless but without any history at all other than what we can determine based on their physical and emotional health. However, when it comes to our animals, despite the fact...

Farm Animal Confinement Initiative

I wrote about Prop 12, the Farm Animal Confinement Initiative, once it earned enough signatures to appear on the November ballot. With the election approaching, this merits a second visit. Proposed animal-related legislation always raises hackles, but this time it’s...


We are such a cranky species! Last week’s column about bats (October is Bat Appreciation Month) led to an anonymous voicemail message complaining that I had ignored the topic of rabies. Really? Do you send nasty-grams to Wine Spectator magazine when they don’t cover...


We have seen Batmen from Adam West to Ben Affleck, and one common thread that oddly ties them all together is that none of the TV shows, films, the comic books or graphic novels has much to say about bats. How batty is that? Since today is October 1, the first day of...

Worth Repeating

PHS/SPCA volunteer Lynette B. just sent me her two favorite animal-related quotes, and they are worth sharing. From Anatole France, “Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” From St. Francis of Assisi, “Not to...

Drain the Swamp?

Terrifying, horrifying, paralyzing, frustrating, even entertaining: no matter which side of the political street you call home, this is a unique moment in our nation. However, while my beat is the animals rather than politics (and I do thank the heavens for that!),...