Trees Please

I know many will disagree but a new report in “Urban Forestry and Urban Greening” is among the most frightening things I’ve come upon. The article documents research conducted by the United States Forest Service (USFS), reviewing and comparing aerial photographs of...

World Without Bugs

I’ve used this bully pulpit before to inform (and rage) about the terrifying worldwide decline in insect population. A new report published in the journal Biological Conservation is catching more of the general media’s attention (and, hopefully, therefore more of the...

The Amazon, Part 2

Last week focused on injured and orphaned wildlife in rehab centers visited along the Amazon. Today, it’s who we saw in the wild and OMG we saw so much! Perhaps I’ve seen such abundance of animals elsewhere, perhaps, but not the conspicuous diversity. Imagine sitting...

Living With Animals: The Amazon, part 1

The Amazon River holds more water than the next 7 largest rivers of the world combined. It courses 4,000+ miles from headwaters high in the Andes north and then east across 4 countries to feed the Atlantic with enough water every single day to satisfy New York City’s...

Cost of Caring for a Pet Part Two

To garble the bard, “To pet or not to pet?” Last week we considered the finances of pet care. Yes, economics should be considered when contemplating living with an animal and, sure, not everyone should be responsible for another life. That said, there is some pretty...

Cost of Caring for a Pet

I had a call from some money magazine reporter (you know, best car under $25,000., pay off your mortgage in 15 years, etc.) asking about the cost of caring for a pet. Not a completely dumb question but pretty darn close, since the variables are so extreme and so...