Teaching Iggy not to bark at passersby

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog, Iggy, barks at everyone who passes in front of our house. Is there a way to curb the guard dog in him? Reply: If Iggy could tell us why he barks at the window, he might say, “Because it’s my job!” Dogs who are not given a job, or don’t have...

On leash, Lucy barks at other dogs she meets

Dear Miss Behavin’:  My dog Lucy barks at other dogs she sees in our neighborhood, and it’s starting to make our walks unpleasant. How can I get her to be more relaxed and quiet when she sees other dogs? Reply: This is one of the most common questions that dog...

Dog wants the good stuff, turns up nose at kibble

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog is a finicky eater. He turns his nose up to kibble and won’t touch his bowl unless I cook him up something I would eat myself, like ground beef or roasted chicken. Is there a way to lower his standards? Reply: It’s quite common for dogs to...

Dog is fine; human friend needs training

Dear Miss Behavin’:  I never feed my dog from the table, but I have a good friend who loves to sneak her tidbits under the table. Now every time my friend comes over, my dog starts drooling and begging for food. How can I stop them from going behind my back? Reply: It...

Yes, the right dogs and cats can get along fine

Dear Miss Behavin’: Can dogs and cats really get along? The answer is: Yes! In the right circumstances with the right personalities, dogs and cats can get along and even learn to enjoy one another’s company. The exception to dog and cat friendships are often dogs with...

What to weigh when bringing a small dog to a big-dog home

Dear Miss Behavin’: My family has a shepherd mix and we’d love to add a small-breed dog to our home. Should we worry that our current dog is 100 pounds and our new pup might be closer to 10 pounds?  Reply: You’re definitely wise to consider the potential risks before...