How to get dog to cool his jets at the door

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog gets super excited whenever we are about to go for a walk, starts jumping up and barking, then nearly pulls my arm off trying to dash out the door. I’m exhausted even before we get to the sidewalk. Reply: I’m glad to hear your dog loves his...

Teaching a dog not to dart out the open door

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog Hank always rushes through doors when they open — car doors, the front door, garage door, you name it. He doesn’t go far once he gets through them, but I’m worried he’ll get hurt. How can I stop him? Reply: We usually refer to this as “door...

Be careful about following advice found online

Dear Miss Behavin’: As a brand new dog owner I’m overwhelmed by the conflicting advice I read online. How can I separate fact from fiction? Reply: The internet can be an amazing source of information, but only if you delve in with a healthy amount of skepticism. Don’t...

Keep your dog cool and hydrated in all this heat

Dear Miss Behavin’: Do you have any suggestions on caring for my dog in this heat? Reply: Hot weather can take a toll on our dogs just like it does for us humans. Here are a few tips for staying cool and keeping it together this summer. Instead of taking one long walk...

How to react when off-leash dog approaches

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog is not a fan of other dogs, but many owners in my neighborhood let their dogs walk off-leash. What is the best way to respond if an off-leash dog runs up to my dog? Reply: I sympathize with owners who want to let their dogs exercise...

It’s difficult to deter an outdoor cat from hunting birds

Dear Miss Behavin’: My cat recently caught a bird and brought it into the house. The bird survived, but I don’t want my cat to continue harming wildlife. How can I deter her? Reply: It will prove quite difficult to convince your cat not to hunt the birds and wild...