Dear Miss Behavin’: We’re expecting a baby. Do you have any advice on how to prepare our “furry baby” for the new addition to our family? Reply: You’ll want to prepare your “furry baby” for the big changes ahead, months before your due date. If your companion animal...
Dear Miss Behavin’: I’m considering adopting a new dog, but I am torn whether to get a puppy or more mature dog. Any advice? Reply: Everyone considering getting a new dog should ask themselves this question. Many people opt for puppies, but afterward realize that the...
Dear Miss Behavin’: My cocker spaniel, “Polly,” is the sweetest dog, unless I try to get between her and food. If I accidentally drop a morsel on the floor when I’m cooking, she’ll growl at me if I try to snatch it away. Reply: This common behavior is known as food...
Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog was terrified during the recent thunder and lightning storm. What can I do to comfort him next time a storm rolls in? Reply: If you think about how much stronger a dog’s sense of smell or hearing is compared to ours, it’s no surprise that...
Dear Miss Behavin’: We survived the heat wave, but felt bad for our dogs all weekend. The heat slowed them down, but they were still in need of exercise. How can we get their wiggles out next time it’s hot? Reply: Similar to how we get creative in the rainy season...
Dear Miss Behavin’: My Great Dane mix pulls like crazy on leash. How can I save my arm and get him to walk nicely? Reply: For dogs that are very large or strong, often the best investment is a high-quality harness or head collar that is designed to help curb pulling....