Help kitten learn to use the litter box

Dear Miss Behavin’: I just adopted a kitten and he seems to think the carpet is his litter box. Please help! Reply: It can definitely be tricky to adjust a new kitten to a new home. If you adopted the kitten from a shelter, many of the cats and kittens are housed in...

Give scared dog a safe spot to hide on Thanksgiving

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog, “Fuzzy,” is a shy boy, and runs to hide whenever visitors come over. We are hosting Thanksgiving this year and I’m worried he’ll be overwhelmed. How can I make the holiday bearable for him? Reply: Just like people, dogs have different...

Husband needs training to not feed his food to dog

Dear Miss Behavin’: My husband loves to feed our dog everything but her kibble. He gives her scraps at the table, lets her lick his dishes, and even shares sweets with her in the evenings. How can I convince him to stop? Reply: Many of us express our love through...

Some surprising facts about black cats

Dear Miss Behavin’: I’m interested in adopting a black cat, but am not so sure, because it’s also almost Halloween. Do you think a black cat would make a great pet? Reply: Black cats have definitely had their fair share of bias due to superstitions, but especially...

It’s tough to teach a dog not to bark

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog always barks when he goes outside in our backyard. During the day it’s the squirrels, and at night it’s all of the little nocturnal critters. How do I get him to stop? Reply: Barking and vocalizing are two of the most challenging behaviors...

Kitty hides out when people visit her home

Dear Miss Behavin’: My kitty hides out whenever people come over to my house. Is there way to help her feel more comfortable when we have company? Reply: Depending on your visitors and how many there are, there are certainly a few things you can try to encourage your...