Some New Year’s resolutions for pooches

Dear Miss Behavin’: I’ve set some New Year’s resolutions for myself and am wondering if I should do the same for my dog. Do you have any recommendations? Reply: Whether your dog is a beloved family member or a high-performance athlete, there are always things we can...

Beware the flickering tail of the agitated cat

Dear Miss Behavin’: Sometimes my cat’s tail flickers really fast before she scratches or bites me. What can I do to prevent this? Reply: It’s really great that you’re observing the cat’s behavior right before it scratches or bites, this will help you in preventing it...

Lap-loving poodle growls at owner’s son

Dear Miss Behavin’: My poodle, “Misty,” is an absolute love with me, but she growls and lunges at my adult son whenever she’s on my lap. I think she is protective of me. I’ve been trying to give her time-outs, but it doesn’t seem to be helping. Reply: Rather than...

Teaching Skip to behave before going for a walk

Dear Miss Behavin’: My dog Skip acts like a maniac before we go for walks — he grabs the leash and runs around the house, usually knocking things over. Is there any way to tone down his enthusiasm a bit? Reply: The way Skip sees things, acting like a maniac gets him...

Shepherd mix guards her home with lots of noise

Dear Miss Behavin’: My family recently moved to a new home with floor-to-ceiling glass windows in our living room. We love our new view, but our shepherd mix, “Beauty,” has taken to barking at everything and everyone that goes by. How can we restore quiet to our...

Dog is the great escapee from backyard

Dear Miss Behavin’: Our dog is constantly breaking out of our backyard when we’re at work. Fortunately our neighbors bring him home, but he’s already been picked up twice by animal control. Reply: Of the hundreds of dogs I’ve met, I can count on one hand how many of...