Dear Miss Behavin’: As a brand new dog owner I’m overwhelmed by the conflicting advice I read online. How can I separate fact from fiction?

PET OF THE WEEK: Sofia is a charming and high energy, 9-month-old gal still bursting with kitten playfulness that looks like it’s here to stay. She’s looking for a cat-savvy BFF who is ready to enjoy all the fun and joy she has to offer. Ask for Sofia, ID# A821235. Adoptable pets are available at Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA’s Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame. For information, call 650-340-7022 or visit (Thelma Andree / Peninsula Humane Society)
Reply: The internet can be an amazing source of information, but only if you delve in with a healthy amount of skepticism. Don’t assume that every article with a catchy headline that shows up in your social media feed is true. There are many “inspiring” stories, videos and advice involving dogs (among other animals) that are widely shared online. But if you do some investigating, things may not always be as they appear.
For example, you might see a photo of a child and dog that at first glance looks adorable, but on closer inspection the dog’s body language indicates he is very uncomfortable. Or there might be a video supposedly depicting a dog committing a “heroic” act that is taken out of context. Also remember that videos and photos can be strategically edited to support a point of view. If a story seems too incredible and never showed up in any actual news outlets, it’s likely not true.
Next, always be sure to check your sources. On what website are you reading the article or viewing the video? Is it a reputable source? If not, it is worth doing an internet search to see if similar information can be found. For example, if you read an article that describes the best way to correct your puppy for peeing in the house, see if that advice is repeated on other websites with solid reputations.
You can disregard comment threads where other dog owners say what worked “best” for them. Those are individual accounts and can be flat-out wrong. Your local animal shelter might have information on its website, as do other non-profit animal welfare organizations. If you see anything that recommends painful training methods (such as choking, hitting, or using a shock collar on a dog), stay away. Current research indicates that using positive reinforcement (rewarding good behavior) is the most effective and humane way to train a dog.