Dear Miss Behavin’: My poodle, “Misty,” is an absolute love with me, but she growls and lunges at my adult son whenever she’s on my lap. I think she is protective of me. I’ve been trying to give her time-outs, but it doesn’t seem to be helping.
Reply: Rather than protecting you, it sounds more like Misty is guarding your lap the same way another dog might guard a bone. Misty sees your lap as a valuable resource that she does not want to share. If she has ever seriously injured your son or another person, I recommend contacting our experienced behavior staff to learn about our one-on-one consultations (visit for more info or call 650-340-7022, ext. 374).
The easiest way to correct this behavior is to place Misty on the ground the instant she displays any aggression toward your son. This usually means putting her on the ground when she begins growling. After you make her get off, don’t let her back up for another minute or two. If Misty growls again, repeat as necessary.
If Misty continues to growl at your son even after she’s off your lap, you may need to do a time-out in another room, such as a bathroom. But remember that there are some important factors when giving a dog a time-out (different than with a child). First, timing is critical and you need to act right away when Misty does the unwanted behavior. Second, just like when you took Misty off your lap, remain calm and matter-of-fact while you place her in the room. Third, time-outs for dogs need only last a minute or two. No need to leave her in the bathroom for an extended period of time.
Avoid holding Misty close, baby-talking, or petting her if she does guard your lap. Any of these actions could unintentionally reinforce the guarding behavior. It is better to remain calm, composed and matter-of-fact. Misty needs to learn that being on your lap is a privilege, and she quickly loses that privilege if she displays aggression towards your son.