Baby Bird Nest (Crocheting)


  • several yards of worsted weight yarn
  • size H hook


  • hold 2 or 3 strands together for a tight stitch


  1. create the starting ring using a size H hook and 2-3 strands of yarn held together
  2. crochet 3 chains; slip stitch last chain to first chain to make a loop or ring
  3. work between 10-15 single crochets into the starting ring, which becomes chain 2
  4. slip stitch the last single crochet to the top stitch in the chain 2 that started this round
  5. on chain 2, single crochet into each of the next 2 stitches, then do 2 single crochets into the next stitch, single crochet into the next 2 stitches, then 2 single crochets in the next stitch
  6. so on around the circle
  7. slip stitch your last single crochet into the top of the chain 2 that started this round
  8. repeat until your circle is at least 3 inches (you can make your nest with a bottom from 3 to 6 inches)
  9. once you have made the bottom of the 3- 6 inches, from all rounds thereafter crochet one single crochet into each stitch (you will see how your ‘sides’ begin to form)
  10. crochet until the sides are about 2-3 inches high
  11. bind off
  12. weave into loose ends



Baby Bird Nest (Knitting)


  • several yards of worsted weight yarn
  • size H hook


  • to make sure the nest is tight and washable, use washable yarn
  • use 2 different colors to make counting stitches easier
  • use 3 strands if the yarn is very fine
  • use double-pointed needles-just about any size from 5 through, depending on the weight of the yarn
  • you can use circular needles if you prefer
  • when doing K2tog, it seems to be easier to knit through the back loops rather than the front
  • if you are still having problems with K2 tog, try using a crochet hook to pull the yarn through
  • only decrease to the point where you have a small, easily close gap in the bottom of the nest, otherwise there can be a bump on the bottom that can make the nest unstable
  • these instructions are for nests that are about 4 inches across
  • cast on fewer stitches for smaller nests
  • they knit up so quickly, it’s easy to experiment (if the nest is much smaller, start the decrease with K6, K2tog)
  • the yarn should not be fuzzy because the birds’ toes will get caught


  1. cast 54 stitches; divide evenly among 4 dpns
  2. work in stockinette stitch (or K stitch) until the nest is approximately 3 inches tall
  3. purl one row; then start to decrease:
    1. K7, K2tog-repeat to end
    2. K6, K2tog-repeat to end
    3. K5, K2tog-repeat to end
    4. K4, K2tog-repeat to end
    5. K3, K2tog-repeat to end
    6. K2, K2tog-repeat to end
    7. K1, K2tog-repeat to end
  4. cut yarns, leaving a 6 inch tail
  5. slide yarn on needle
  6. draw tight to close up end (put a few stitches across the gap if need be)
  7. weave in yarn
  8. cut off