PET OF THE WEEK: Alonzo is a sweet and loving, 4-year-old, Boston terrier mix who can’t wait to go on walks with you! This handsome pup does great on a leash and harness and doesn’t mind car rides. He’d probably do best as the only pet in the house; be sure to speak with an adoption counselor. Ask for Alonzo, ID# A823222. Adoptable pets are available at Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA’s Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame. For information, call 650-340-7022 or visit www.phs-spca.org. (Charles Pitkofsky / Peninsula Humane Society)
Dear Miss Behavin’: Our daughter comes home from college next month and she’s bringing her new small dog. We have two cats and they haven’t been around a dog before. Any tips?
Reply: All cats are different, and depending on their personalities, will have varying responses to new stimuli or change. My first word of advice is to know your cats — how have they responded to new things or changes in the past?
For the outgoing kitty who might think she’s part dog, use a baby gate in the first few weeks to keep the dog separated from the cats. This will prevent any chasing or unintended run-ins. If the cats are generally curious and approach the gate, you’re on track, but take it slow.
If you know your kitty is shy but warms up, make sure to give her a second barrier from the dog, so the dog doesn’t have direct (but blocked) access to the kitty area. Add some height to your rooms by clearing a bookshelf, purchasing a cat tree, and generally creating a few more escape routes for the kitties. Eventually, you’ll be able to remove one gate, and then the other, and the cats and dog will have an understanding of one another.
For the ultra-sensitive kitty, you’ll want to keep the dog in one area of the house for the first month or so, especially when not supervised. Ideal spots are the kitchen, or the room where your daughter will spend the most time. Your sensitive kitty will have an easier time adjusting if the dog’s whereabouts are predictable and consistent.
Baby gates are great (versus a closed door) because they give dogs and cats the opportunity to see and observe one another instead of having to guess what the other is doing. Never restrain your cat during introductions — they should be left alone and dogs should be kept on leash during introductions.
This process takes time, a dog who is receptive to training and respects boundaries, and humans who are willing to put in a little work. But my critters will tell you — it’s worth the wait.