Dear Miss Behavin’: I found a litter of kittens under my deck. How do I know if they’re safe or not?

PET OF THE WEEK: Cookie is a darling little lady, an 11-year-old senior terrier/Chihuahua mix with plenty of pep in her dainty little paws. She enjoys walks with her people, tasty treats, toys, and tummy rubs. Ask for Cookie ID# A368010. Adoptable pets are available at Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA’s Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame. For information, call 650-340-7022 or visit (Thelma Andree / PHS/SPCA)
Reply: It’s that time of year that we commonly refer to as “kitten season” here in the Bay Area. The weather warms up, there’s less rain, and suddenly, kittens!
If you come across kittens and the momma cat is with them, leave them be. There is no need to remove healthy kittens from a safe place if their momma cat is caring for them. She’ll do a great job of protecting and feeding them, and making sure they’re clean.
If you notice the momma cat leave, don’t panic. She’s likely gone off to hunt or otherwise find food, and will return to her kittens. That said, meowing kittens are not always in distress — they’re often calling for mom to return.
If two or three hours pass and she doesn’t return, there are a few things to do before taking them away. Put on some gloves to protect yourself and check to see that the kittens are warm and healthy. If they’re plump, warm, and appear to be safe, it’s OK to leave them, and keep an eye out for momma cat, for another hour or so.
If the kittens appear unwell, are exposed to predators, or it’s clear that they’ve been abandoned or are trapped, in San Mateo County you can bring the kittens to the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA, or call 650-340-7022 for Animal Rescue & Control. Our Kitten Nursery and Kitten Foster Care Program are designed to care for young kittens brought into our shelter.
If you have any questions about a litter of kittens, or you’re wondering what to do once the kittens are weaned from momma cat, don’t hesitate to call us at 650-340-7022, ext. 339, or visit our website,, for information on spaying and neutering, fostering, and our kitten nursery.
To see our nursery in action and find out about fostering kittens, feel free to visit our Kitten Nursery Shower on May 20 at the Lantos Center for Compassion, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame. More information can be found at